Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Take Me Home Country Road...

To a place where I belong.

Well if you know me, you know I don't live any where near a country road, but I was just looking for a good blog title.

So here I am. Back in the glorious, resplendent and refined 216. ha!

Its cool being here though, I still love this decaying city. I wish there were more jobs though for goodness sake. The job market in these parts is completely dry. That part sucks. Its nice being home though, in the familiarity. Where everybody knows your name.
College was cool though, quick, but cool. It really wasn't what I expected, perhaps I've watched to many movies. I expected a lot more chaos but after the first month or so I realized its just like a high school you live at. Nothing really new on the scene except, obviously, the atmosphere.
I'm not sure what all I should say on college, I mean there is so much. There was some really awesome people and some godawful people and those in between. Some people I came to know and love and it is a little strange not to have them around. There was some or maybe one person I liked especially more than others, but only one person figured that out all year, luckily it was the least threatening person I know. Anyhow, I'm not exactly sure why I just wrote that into a blog and you're probably thinking so why don't you just delete that? Pffft, that would make to much sense!

But now I am back. None of that really matters right now, the whole college scene is on pause. Except for the financial aid, oh God. Financial Aid. How I loathe the necessity of that office. I mean honestly just because the place is like a giant ass high school on 'roids that will allow we the students to get better jobs, shouldn't give them the right to vulgarly over charge. Oh and books? Don't even get me started on that bullshit. Books for $100 a shot, are you people out of your gourd? Does anyone know what it costs to print those pieces of shit? Pennies on the damned dollar.

Now I am just hanging out with my good old friends from my childhood. My grandma is like dying. My mom is going to have to move. I have no job and yeah. I guess this is the morbid section of this post. Honestly though, I'm bullshitting at this point and I don't like it so I am going to stop. This was to forced so take this post with a grain of salt. The first paragraphs are genuine but this last, ugh.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Just had to...

Well I hadn't written anything in a few days and I figured that I had better write something or else I'll lose the will to do and then forget about it all together

Anyhow, I haven't written because not much interesting has gone on as of late. It is already damn near the years end and it feels weird. I don't feel like anything is even about to happen yet I am about to leave essentially what has become my home. Going home will be cool, finally some real food, get to see my friends, drive my car around, know where I am, eat quality taco bell instead of the shit one they have down here. What will suck is not having anyone to hang out with constantly. At college, pretty much at any given time, some one is there to hang out with, at home though, not so.

The last couple of days have been alright, saw this one kid's architecture project, then stayed up all night to make sure he was awake in the morning for the review of his project. This eventually turned into me staying up for 28 hours, followed by 18 hours, a real feat I am told by my peers. But today was supposed to be amazing because this netbook I ordered was supposed to come in, but amazon can't do what they are supposed to so its not going to come in until later in the week, which sucks because I am really excited to play with it. Other than that, not much big has been going on. I should be and should have been studying for a little bit now. My finals are less than a week away, I am already feeling kind of stressed. I wish I was just done and out of here already, it was cool but I need my break.

The other thing is I am going home, but apparently I'm moving? I had this mentioned to me in passing the other day, which is weird. I don't know when maybe not even til after school starts up again but that'll be strange. I guess it is all because my grandma has to move and my mom doesn't want to take on the insurance payments, so I don't know. I mean I guess I am okay with it and everything, I won't be far at all, only down the street at my uncles, but still. But who knows! I am really worried about finances, as of yet, I cannot find a job and I don't know if I got any extra assistance for next year and didn't get the RA job, so there is a lot of pressure. I would be awful if I had to take like a year off or something to make money, but I feel like that is becoming something that may happen.

Ugh, so much to think about. College is such a stressor. Why does it got to be so god damn expensive? Are they really doing anything so much greater here than at highschool? It certainly doesn't feel like it, it feels exactly like highschool only we are supposed to read a lot more, which of course no one does. I'm really hoping not to get stuck in a quad again next year, that would be awful. Forcing four people to live together in an area this small should be illegal or something, it is just a breeding ground of illness and stress. The good news is I think I finally have my major and all that hammered out so at least I know what I'll be aiming for. The shitty part is I am doing poorly in the core class for my minor, that feels like a bad sign to me, but I don't know. We cover so much at once, I don't get it. I feel like we should cover less chapters at a time, but there isn't enough time. Thus the downfall of the quarter system.

Ummm, what else to say. I don't know. I think I've covered my general thoughts. So, yeah. Hopefully, I'll have something more interesting to rant about in the next installment.