Saturday, October 10, 2009

Open the glovebox, reach inside...

Does traffic piss anyone else off to no end? Today I was driving through a 35 and I don't know how fast I was going because there was two people in front of me, so they regulated my speed. The guy who was leading us however was, apparently, not going fast enough for guy number two who was doing the little back in forth in the lane thing, pissing me off to no end. Like I don't know how fast we were going but I can tell ya, it was fast enough. As soon as it turned into two lanes this guy was swerving in and out of the lanes, because he is way more important than you and me. I watched him, his urgent location was the home depot. I'll tell you what I had half a mind to follow this douche and tell him what was up, but people are crazy and so I just proceeded. I was yelling at him in my car however. Threatening to kick his ass and telling him to knock it off, even now as I write this I am getting annoyed.

I can't be the only person these dumbasses piss off.

I hear fireworks and subsequently firetrucks. I wonder if they are related. Probably not, it sounds like the firetrucks are going away as opposed to coming towards me.

I am at my dad's this weekend. I needed to get my car looked at because it is making this god awful squeaking sound that sounds like a squegee on glass or an old oven door. Its an awful noise. Its boring here, but not terrible, probably only because I know I am going back to school tomorrow. Which I am also bored with, by the way.
I decided to take a morning class, which isn't so awful but its really created the daily grind kind of feel for me, which I strongly dislike. Also I tend to stay up to late, then take long naps during the day and create the most whacked out schedule ever.

My residence hall is boring too. Everyone on my floor sucks because they never talk and keep their doors closed and give you weird looks all the time. The weird looks part may be just directed at me, but whatever. My RA is pretty sweet but hard as hell to get a hold of. I wanted to get out of Morrill Tower so badly, and part of me is glad I got out, but part of me misses it. Everybody over there is doing cool things and not telling me, like I assumed they would, so I end up missing out on crazy shenanigans. Argh!

Its only the first couple weeks though, maybe things will get better. I think they will once I get a job and create some type of normal schedule as opposed to all this floating around and free time I have now. Time does fly by fast though. I feel like I have hours worth of free time and then all of the sudden its 2 am and I haven't started studying, but haven't gotten anything else done either. I suppose that's the folly of the computer generation. Sitting on facebook, checking email, wiping out rival gang members in San Andreas. The usual. Its time consuming, but so is school and thus conflict arises, but the only real victim is my GPA, which is an inaccurate depiction of myself but unfortunately in the academic world is way more important than anything else, like your worth ethic or ability or anything.

Hooray for flawed systems!

As of late, I have developed a real probably with the university. Certain changes this year, compiled with past realizations has really gotten me down on the system. Its like "hey, you're poor but we don't care, give us more money. We'll give you less stuff and, ya know, it'll be cool" Meanwhile, every god damned light on campus is left on all night and they draw in a few mil per football game. So where the fuck is all the god damned money going? Why isn't it serving me? and why am I being charged more than last year? These are questions that arise when the systems fucked up. OSU and perhaps most major universities are businesses and that's it. The education thing, not a big deal. Sports on the other hand, which draw more money, are a huge deal. Where does the cycle end? Sports draw money, which is then reinvested in sports to draw more money and where does that put the college student and the 100year old god damned building that clearly needs repairs and updates? Who the hell cares as long as we can get that touch down against whatever fucking team were playing that weekend, that's all that matters.
College is giant scheme. Its just like bribery. You bribe a school into giving you the proper paper work so that some day you can get a job of your choosing, where you actually learn how to do shit.

Why don't we cut out the middle man, I'll just take out a $100k loan and give it all to you and you give me a degree, deal university? I just want to become a fucking cop anyhow. Fuck school, seriously.

Also, for my closing statement. Barack Obama didn't deserve the nobel peace prize and that statement has nothing at all to do with my opposition to his ideals and/or politics.

Thanks! - unless you are the university reading this, in which case, fuck you! :)

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