Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Fundamentals of Forensic Science

So nothing really mind blowing has happened the last couple days.
I mean, I have had a lot of new experiences as of late but, nothing particularly striking.

Today, I got back from Bowling, Kentucky. One of my suitemates and I went down to check out the corvette museum, it was pretty sweet I have to admit. Sadly, the night before I got the news that I didn't make RA, shocking right? Ahh, I knew that 'teacher' of mine wouldn't give me a good review. I'm kind of pissed about it, and I'm going to have to take out more money than I wanted to but, what can ya do? Although, it is kind of strange for me, all through his school, I pretty much got whatever I tried for, so a rejection is a new thing for me, at least in this department, Ha!

Ahhh, well.

Anyhow, after getting back to Columbus, a couple of us went to Red Robin. The food was pretty good, I splurged for a shake, what a rip those are. A five dollar shake was a point of mockery in Pulp Fiction but, now its practically standard. The food was a good but, we got a dude waiter. Is it just me or doesn't it seem like whatever sex you are, your waiter should be the opposite? That would be the wisest move on their behalf, Lord knows if I am going to tip anyone well it's probably going to be an attractive chick, unless the dude does one hell of a job, which they usually don't. After dinner, we went to Dicks, then Wal*Mart, and eventually back to the tower. Ahh the tower. One of the guys, B. Wahl, and I then proceeded to watch T2 and T3. T2 was pretty bad ass but, T3 has been my least favorite of the four. The latest one I strongly recommend seeing by the way. Well, we finished the movie and then I came in here and here I am. I didn't feel like I had much interesting to say but, I wanted to keep myself in the habbit of writing.

I just checked my grades from my midterm I took the other day, C. Dammit. I felt like I did well and I was really hoping that I would've done better. I suppose it's my own fault, I mayn't have studied enough but, I did try to study in the morning before class. Man, school. It's almost over for the year, I cannot believe that. It's crazy to think thats it has been a whole school year since my brother and I walked through that door, my baggage in hand, and I said, "Oh, there he is." In refrence to my roommate. Man, the impressions I must make.
This year has gone by quick but, I still really am excited to get home. I mean the people here are cool and I have a good time and its sweet being able to do basically whatever I want but, I miss seeing all my old friends. I'll tell you what though, I hope I can find a job this summer. If I can't land a job, I'm boned.

Well, it's 5:30 in the morning, most sane people are sleeping right now. I might as well be going, hopefully I'll have something more interesting to say next time.

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